Welcome to St Cuthbert’s Church
St Cuthbert’s is the small church in Brunswick Village, serving Brunswick Village, Brunswick Green, Hazlerigg and the surrounding area. All are welcome at our relaxed services.
Verse of the Day
Lesley’s Meditation

Something on the landscape has changed. It has been there for years, but has now suddenly disappeared.
I was sat in our back garden and suddenly realised that the large 8ft bush had been removed. It is as if it has never been there. I only noticed it had gone because I could see something different. My view had been altered/expanded.
The same thoughts crossed my mind when I was at home in Yorkshire. The Power station or “cloud factory” as we used to call it, was now a pile of rubble, and out of the 3 “cloud factories” that my father used to view on the horizon from our old family home, only one survives.
Thoughts – sometimes there is something large and immoveable on our spiritual landscape. Some problem, some obstacle, that we imagine will always be there. We cannot imagine life without this feature, however, sometimes we suddenly realise that it is dealt with, it has been removed. Our outlook is suddenly changed, our vista has altered. … more
Church Services
Sunday 11.00 am
Holy Communion
Thursday 10.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
You’re Worth It!
If you are suffering from a low self esteem, feelings of worthlessness, loneliness and have the idea that nobody loves you or wants you, think about this: